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7 of the most common pest phobias

A phobia is described as an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Some of the most common phobias are of pests.

Musophobia – The fear of rats & mice

Rats and mice are one of the most common pests that you can find in homes or businesses not just in Australia but around the world.

Musophobia (Muso meaning mice and phobia meaning fear) is known as the fear of mice or rats. Many people suffering from musophobia have had a traumatic experience with mice or rats that results in heightened anxiety, fear, and dread surrounding the rodents.

Myrmecophobia -The fear of ants

Myrmecophobia refers to fear of ants.

A person who suffers from this phobia can experience anxiety after just witnessing the sight of ants. Their fear also includes the concern of ants contaminating food or food sources.

People with extreme ant phobia often believe that these bugs might enter their homes, contaminate their food or lead to massive destruction, damage, even death.

Katsaridaphobia – The fear of cockroaches

When a person has this phobia, s/he will do anything to avoid the roach from entering his or her home. The reasons why a person develops katsaridaphobia are the instances when they are stuck in a situation where they feel like their safety is compromised by cockroaches.

Spheksophobia – The fear of wasps

Spheksophobia is the irrational fear of wasps. Someone suffering from this condition can expect to experience a very high amount of anxiety from merely thinking of wasps, let alone actually seeing them in real life.

Arachnophobiaa – The fear of spiders

The most common & well-known pest phobia on this list.

Most spider species around the world are harmless, however there are a few spiders that have venoms powerful enough to cause a person to become violently ill & some can lead to death.

The majority of people dislike spiders, but there are people who have an incapacitating fear upon seeing spiders.

For some sufferers of arachnophobia just seeing a spider web is enough to provoke a fearful response.

Entomophobia - An extreme and persistent fear of insects. It’s what’s referred to as a specific phobia, which is a phobia that focuses on a particular object. An insect phobia is one of the most common types of specific phobia.

A phobia is overwhelming and causes significant anxiety. It’s different from simply not liking insects or getting a case of the heebie-jeebies when one scurries by. For some, the anxiety is disabling and interferes with their daily activities.

Individuals with entomophobia can experience an overwhelming itch or an unpleasant crawling sensation all over or underneath their skin

Developing a pest phobia is no laughing matter!

Precision Pest Management understands and can sympathise with anyone who has a pest phobia. We promise to be understanding, listen to your fears and do all we can to eliminate the cause of your phobia.

Your pest issue will be taken care of as quickly as possible

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