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Contact Precision Pest Management WA today for a no obligation quote on managing your mosquito problems today!


The mosquito is best known for their annoying ‘bites’ which is the term applied to the piercing and sucking feeding action of the adult females. ‘Biting’ can be so irritating that some people react severely to bites which become swollen, itchy lumps.

Mosquito eggs are usually laid on the surface of water and hatch into larvae, which are aquatic and usually referred to as


“wrigglers”. The larvae undergo four moults before pupating. The adult emerges from the pupal case onto the surface. The life cycle from egg to adult may be as short as a week, or much longer depending upon environmental factors such as temperature, food supply, species etc. 

Adults may stay close to breeding sites or may disperse over several kilometres depending upon the species and other factors. One of the driving factors is the female’s need for a blood meal, to obtain protein before egg production.

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