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Commercial Pest Management

Logistics company

Real Estate & Strata

As property and strata managers, you strive to maintain the highest standard of property maintenance. Precision Pest Management can offer a diverse range of pest control solutions to ensure your properties remain pest free and fit in with your maintenance budgets. A clean and pest free property keeps your tenants happy, generates positive word of mouth & further builds your professional reputation. Contact us for a free assessment and quote today.

Commercial Kitchen

The hospitality industry including restaurants, bars and hotels are dominated with strong competition.

Whether you're the Business owner or manager, one thing you cant afford is to put your good reputation at risk by a pest infestation. Precision Pest Management WA can help!



Hospitality Industry

Aged Care & Retirement Homes

There are a number of areas in aged care and retirement facilities that are vulnerable to pests such as kitchens, restrooms, club facilities, patient rooms and units.

The safety and wellbeing of your patients and residents are of the utmost importance due to the nature of health/aged care facilities. .

Aged care facility three ladies having lunch

Managing pests in food manufacturing is essential. The food industry is subject to high-quality requirements and strict criteria must be complied with to guarantee food safety. An infestation of  pests in your facility pose health risks.

 Logistics is focused on storing and moving goods, this can’t be compromised by harmful pests. Don’t slow down logistics by allowing a pest infestation to get out of hand!  

Food Manufacturing

Food Manufacturing & Logistics

Shopping centre

Retail & Shopping Centres

Retail and wholesale stores like small businesses, department stores, and supermarkets are not exempt from the risk of pest infestations.

Our experienced and friendly team at Precision Pest Management WA can assist with your pest control needs.

High school

From preschools, primary schools to high schools, Precision Pest Management is dedicated to providing your students with safe and hygienic teaching environments

Education Industry & Schools

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